Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hey, I don't know how many times I can apologize for not posting on here. So I am giving you something else to follow. I plan on moving my blog aka this one, to tumblr. I am still debating on moving the posts over... but I have decided to put my blog over there because it the in-thing, and I don't have to work as hard on my posts, like I can literally post a picture with a caption as a post and not feel lazy about it.
So sorry again... Here's the link to my tumblr, :)
I won't really be posting on here, but I don't want to delete it because it's my 3yr old baby. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My bad...

So I said I was going to post on here more, but it looks like I havent... Well I have been back at school. And this semester I have five classes. And I'm super busy with them. Like in half an hour I will have to head to Calculus. But I just thought I would share some awesome websites for fashion and stuff. 

Everyone loves deals and often hard to find them. In the past month I've come across some decent places online where you can get stuff really discounted. And most likely other people won't have it. 

The first one is You can sign in as a member using your facebook account. You get to access a bunch of different things for different days. They have three sections; Living, Style and Taste. The way the site works is on a badge system. So you complete certain tasks and then you can earn more percentage off whatever item interests you. But the price you normally pay is pretty discounted already so it's like a steal. 

So make sure you check it out. 

The second website is Again it's another website where you can sign up using your facebook account. They basically have absolutely everything. The deals are decent. Especially if you're one of those people who like to splurge for designer brands. Just the other day they had featured real vintage chanel pieces. Yes, you still pay hundreds of dollars, but it is discounted which is still decent when comparing it to stores. 

The third website is one I found from Arden Cho on It's called It's an interesting idea. Basically there are new outfits posted everyday, then you can buy the pieces used in the outfits. The pricing for the pieces is really good. It's affordable. Also they are on sale for a limited time. So if you see a look you like from yesterday chances are it still may be on sale. And the looks don't go away. If you are browsing and see an outfit you love from a month ago--you can still buy the pieces the only thing is you wouldn't get it on sale. But like I said it generally affordable on sale or not. I really like this website. You can sign up for free, and just basically buy whole outfits or certain pieces. It's a neat concept and the outfits could be for anyone. 

Alright so that is all I have for now. I know of a couple more awesome fashion oriented websites I will post in the future. But now I have to head to class. So enjoy! And make sure if you want to register click the links I posted so I can get referenced. :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

2011 is OVER!

...Well not quite yet but we're getting there!

Wow, this year definitely flew by. This was the year that I started university and I blame it for my lack of orientation. For reals. I became nocturnal. And it’s a habit I can’t seem to kick. But anyways this year was known for a lot of political events.


On March 11th there was a major earthquake and following tsunami in Japan killing 15,840 people. Also leaving 3,926 missing. This event called for emergency plans for the nuclear power plants. They are still recovering from this event.
The next month there was better news, on my birthday actually, Kate Middleton and Prince William got married. This was major news on TV and in the magazines. Even now I just saw a magazine talking about their plans for the holidays. The British royals seem to be really universal.

In May, the big news was that Osama bin Laden was found and killed in Pakistan. Not much to say about that, but hell that took a while.
In July the world’s first artificial organ transplant occurred by using an artificial windpipe coated with stem cells. Stem cells are really cool. If you ever study biology you’ll know what I’m talking about. They are adaptable to being like any cells needed.
In August NASA captured photographic evidence of possible liquid water on Mars during warm seasons. Guess we know where to head once the apocalypse comes.
There was more natural events like floods in Thailand, and Cambodia. Also a 7.2M earthquake hit Turkey killing 604 people and damaging 2,200 buildings.
This month the United States declares an end to the Iraq war. And it’s about time. There were also a significant amount of deaths that occurred this year. Like just a few days ago Communist leader of North Korea Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack.     


The major deaths this year were:
Nate Dogg—died on March 15th from a stroke.
Elizabeth Taylor—died on March 23rd from congestive heart failure.
Osama bin Laden—died on May 2nd.
Amy Winehouse—died July 23rd from Alcohol poisoning? I can’t really recall. But she was a great singer but there were a lot of issues present with her health and her life in general… so it was almost expected.
Steve Jobs—died on October 5th from pancreatic cancer. He was suffering for a while so this news shouldn’t really have been such a surprise. But it really hit people since he was a leading innovator for Apple.
Muammar Gaddafi—died on October 20th. He was captured by Libyan forces and later shot dead.

Looking back at the year it was very depressing. With the amount of deaths and natural disasters it almost seems the world is ending. Oh and that is what most people are anticipating for 2012. They believe that the world would end. Personally I don’t think that it will. But really I think if we all die, then there’s not much we can do about it. I mean we are going to die anyways, so why make a big deal out of the apocalypse. I guess we can escape to Mars if we really value of lives.


There are a tonne of movies that were released this year, but I’m just going to mention the major ones. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, New Year’s Eve, The Sitter, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, Young Adult, Hugo, Arthur Christmas, The Muppets, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, The Hangover Part II, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Fast Five, Cars 2, Thor, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Help, Bridesmaids, Kung Fu Panda 2, X-Men: First Class, Rio, The Smurfs, Puss in Boots, Cowboys and Aliens, Super 8, Rango, Horrible Bosses, Green Lantern, Hop, Paranormal Activity 3, Just Go with It, Bad Teacher. 

Big list of movies there, but to be honest I haven’t even seen most of them. I saw Harry Potter. And I couldn’t believe that it is over. I need to go and buy them all on DVD. And interesting story about that, they are soon going to stop producing them if they haven’t already. What they are going to do is just keep it in the vault like how they do with all the Disney movies, and then I guess a decade from now they will rerelease them. So go buy your HP DVDs now! But I think they did an amazing job with ending it. I really like Part 2. It had all of the action, and it was really dark. The end was a bit off though because they show them in the future and Ron has a pot-belly. But I guess with his appetite that was inevitable.

I also went to see Transformers with my sister. I didn’t like the fact that they replaced Meghan Fox with some random model that didn’t even get dirty and seemed to wear heels throughout the whole movie and was even able to perform all of the action bits in the heels. It wasn’t believable at all, but I loved the movie. I think I cried when Bumblebee did something… But everyone’s fave character is Bumblebee so I’m pretty sure I’m not alone with that one.

I saw the Planet of the Apes movie. I liked it a lot. There was one part where this huge silverback gorilla tackles a helicopter. It was epic. Like if you haven’t seen the movie I recommend it. It was basically the prequel to all the Planet of the Apes movies. But I still haven’t seen them… But yeah this movie also had James Franco and Frieda Pinto in it. LOOOVE James Franco and the fact that his love interest was a brown girl makes me love him even more.

I haven’t seen the Help, but my sister did. She said it was good, so I’ll plan to watch it sometime.

Bridesmaids wasn’t that great of a movie. And people said it was amazing and were saying it was like the female version of the Hangover. But honestly it was slow and had a few funny bits, and I loved the British or Irish guy but other than that… it wasn’t good.

X-Men: First Class was pretty awesome. I cried watching that too when Xavier finds out he can’t walk. Like hell! Magneto owes him big time. But yeah I recommend it. Decent amount of action and love, and it totally explains their early life. I love it.

I watched Horrible Bosses one night. This movie is so long. I didn’t realize but it was also kind of slow. It was funny though, and yeah you really would want to kill these bosses too. I liked it. But it was long and slow… hahaha that’s what she said.


I was trying to think of what happened with celebrities. The major one this year was Kim Kardashian’s fake wedding. Like she got married and then divorced like ten days later. I swear people just don’t know what to do with their money. People were saying that the wedding was a huge publicity stunt. Well it worked. But now everyone hates them and her. I heard Kim did an interview with Barbra Walters and she basically told Kim that she has no talent at all, so what’s the point of them even having a show. Like they do nothing…  I’ve never watched the show but I don’t want to lose brain cells.

Oh I remember that was my ideology about the J-Shore. But I watched all the episodes of their season they go to Italy. It was really interesting. I totally love Vinny. He’s a guy but from the show you learn he has a little substance and is a bit cultured. They went to Italy in the season that aired this year. It pretty much was check out all the clubs, and go wild. They also introduced another person—Deena. She’s basically Snooki’s friend. I didn’t think she was going ot mesh well with the show but she turned out to be just as wild and it really made the season awesome.

But I really like watching their antics. It’s good entertainment. And they are coming out with a new season starting January so I can’t wait for that!


So I guess I’m going to end my New Year’s recap here. There’s too much text! But I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays and best wishes for the New Years.
I think I will start to post more pictures and text as well so it won’t be a bore to anyone. And I also need to make a new layout… so that will be coming shortly. Thanks for reading!
Love A